Pellet Fuels Institute Announces Relationship Change
Carrie Annand
[email protected]
(202) 494-2493
Arlington, Virginia – September 2, 2014 – The Pellet Fuels Institute (PFI) announced today that it is changing its long-standing relationship with the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) in order to better provide the level of services required by its diversifying membership.
PFI is a North American trade organization serving manufacturers and other related affiliates involved in the densification of biomass for renewable energy and natural industrial applications. The association was previously managed by HPBA under a long-term agreement that included member reciprocity. Though PFI will now operate independently, the two organizations look forward to continuing to collaborate in areas of mutual interest and benefit.
“We are excited at the possibilities for growing our programs independently, which will enable us to better serve the densified biomass industry in the United States and Canada,” said Jennifer Hedrick, Executive Director of Pellet Fuels Institute. “We appreciate the leadership of our Board and support of our members as we make this transition. After a long and productive relationship with the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, we look forward to continuing our close collaboration.”
Jack Goldman, President & CEO of HPBA, issued a statement on a continued partnership between the two groups, saying, “HPBA looks forward to working with PFI in a new relationship. We welcome a continued PFI presence at the annual HPBExpo and other HPBA events to ensure that we expand on the natural connection that our associations have built upon for many years.”
PFI has made significant changes to its bylaws to expand its membership base. The relationship change with HPBA will enable the association to pursue new goals in this area.
“The new arrangement will give us greater flexibility to address our members’ needs as we work to expand the scope of the organization,” said Darryl Rose, newly elected Chairman of the Pellet Fuels Institute. “As an industry we are well-positioned to capitalize on future business opportunities that stretch beyond the residential heating market. Our members’ business operations are changing and the association is focusing on expanding its strategic plan to address the needs of the densified biomass industry and to pursue the development of additional markets. We look forward to announcing further developments in this regard in the months to come.”
The Pellet Fuels Institute’s leadership announced these changes to attendees last month at the association’s annual conference and membership meeting held in Orlando, Florida. PFI’s headquarters will remain in Arlington, VA, allowing for convenient access to Capitol Hill, federal agencies, and the association’s many other government and industry partners based in and around Washington, DC.
Anyone interested in learning more about the newly transforming PFI and the benefits of becoming a member are encouraged to contact or call 703-522-6778.
The Pellet Fuels Institute (PFI) is a North American trade association based in Arlington, Virginia, that represents a range of contributors to the pellet industry, including companies that manufacture wood pellets and pellet manufacturing equipment, or provide other products and services to the densified biomass industry at large.